What Is HRRG? How to Remove HRRG From Your Credit Report

Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group, better known as ‘HRRG,’ is a debt collection agency based in Florida that specializes in recovering medical debts. With healthcare costs surging to record highs every year, the number of Americans drowning in medical debt has continued to soar. The problem is so enormous that according to most estimates, medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States. 

With all of this money flowing out of people’s pockets and into the hands of healthcare providers, when someone doesn’t pay up, HRRG is who they call. HRRG earns a commission on every penny it collects, so it has a strong motivation to keep reaching out to you. 

That being said, HRRG collection agents simply dial phone numbers while quoting amounts from a computer screen. The collection agents themselves have no idea if the amounts or names they are seeing are partially, or fully inaccurate. They may be attempting to collect debts that have been paid, reduced, or fabricated entirely. 

Situations like this call for qualified credit repair companies in New York City–but first, let’s look a little deeper at the world of debt collections and how it affects your credit. 

Debt, Credit Scores, and Credit Reports

If you’ve ever taken out a loan, opened a credit card account, or set up an installment payment plan with a major retailer, you have items on your credit report. Your credit report is made from one or all three of the following credit reporting bureaus: Experian, Equifax, or Transunion. 

These three companies hold the keys to every single American’s financial livelihood. With all of that responsibility, you’d figure they’d be more careful with the information that they report. Sadly, it is typically on the lender to verify the information, not on the credit reporting bureaus. This leads to a large amount of inaccurate information being reported on hundreds of thousands of Americans credit reports, including debts past the statute of limitations.

Regardless of accuracy, when these accounts go bad, the credit reporting bureaus get notified and keep notes on how far behind a person is. At some point, the original creditors tire of trying to call and email debtors, and they call in a collections agency such as HRRG. 

Now, the borrower has two stains on their credit: one for the original loan, and one for the collections agency. All the while, their credit score is dropping like a rock, and they can’t get a loan of any kind.

Getting Inaccuracies Removed

Collection agents have no idea if what they are seeing is legitimate, but imagine trying to tell them they are lying to you and that you don’t owe anything at all. Many people who legitimately owe money may also say this to the collections agent, and all the agent knows is that the more money they collect, the more they get paid–leaving little incentive for them to investigate the accuracy of your file.

This leads to a gigantic headache for all parties involved, but especially for you, as you are simply outmatched. Some of these companies are financial giants, and trying to get someone to pull out a file and prove you right so the company can lose the ability to collect on the debt is just about impossible. 

Credit Repair in Action

Reputable credit repair companies like The Phenix Group can help untie these knots. We’ll work with banks, collection agencies like HRRG, and credit reporting bureaus to set the record straight. We have in-house financial professionals and attorneys who know every trick of the trade and can get inaccurate information removed quickly. 

Once the inaccuracies are removed, your credit score will rebound faster than you can say approved, setting you free to secure the loans you need at interest rates you can afford!

Wondering what to do if a debt is past the statute of limitations or who Penn Credit Corporation collects for? Check out our latest posts.