How Does Your Credit Score Go Down?

Your credit score is one of the most important numbers in your life. It can affect your ability to get a loan, rent an apartment, and even get a job. It's important to understand how your credit score works and what you can do to keep it high.

 In this post, we will discuss some of the things that can cause your credit score to go down; we’ll also provide tips on how to rebuild your credit score.

Reasons Why Your Credit Score May Drop

Your credit score is a number that reflects the risk you pose to lenders. It’s used by financial institutions to determine whether or not to lend you money and, if so, at what interest rate. A low credit score may mean you’ll have to pay a higher interest rate or may not be approved for a loan.

There are many reasons why your credit score may drop. Here are some of the most common:

1. You Have Late or Missing Payments

Your payment history is one of the most important factors in your credit score. If you have late or missed payments, it will negatively impact your score. For example, if you’re thirty days late on a payment, your score could drop by as many as one hundred points. The card issuers may also report your late payment to the credit bureaus, further damaging your score.

2. Increased Credit Utilization Rate

Credit utilization rate refers to the percentage of your credit limit that you’re using. For example, if you have a credit limit of $1,000 and you owe $500, your credit utilization rate is 50%. A high credit utilization rate can hurt your credit score because it signals to lenders that you’re struggling to manage your debt.

If your credit utilization rate is high, you can take steps to improve it. One way is to pay down your balances so you owe less money; another way is to request a credit limit increase from your card issuer. This will lower your credit utilization rate because you’ll have more available credit.

3. Inaccurate Information in Your Credit Reports

Did you know that inaccurate information in your credit reports can affect your credit score? If you have errors on your credit reports, they could be dragging down your score.

If you find inaccuracies, you can dispute them with the credit bureaus, and if they find the information to be incorrect, they’ll remove it from your reports. This can help improve your credit score, but it can be difficult for the average person to undertake. At The Phenix Group, we can help you identify and dispute inaccuracies on your credit reports.

4. You Closed an Account

Closing an account may hurt your credit score by lowering your credit utilization rate and shortening your credit history. Before you close an account, consider the impact it may have on your credit score. You can always ask a credit expert for advice if you’re unsure.

5. Reduced Credit Limit

Credit limit is the maximum amount of credit a lender will extend to you. If your credit limit is reduced, it may hurt your credit score because it can increase your credit utilization rate.

A credit limit reduction may also make it difficult to manage your finances because you’ll have less available credit. If you’re struggling to make ends meet after a credit limit reduction, you can contact your card issuer to ask for a higher limit.

How to Rebuild Your Credit Score

Now that you know why your credit score may drop, let’s talk about how to rebuild your credit score.

1. Get a Copy of Your Credit Report

The first step is to get a copy of your credit report from all three major credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. This will help you identify any errors that may be lowering your credit score.

2. Pay Your Bills on Time

Next, you’ll want to start paying your bills on time. This includes credit card bills, utility bills, and any other type of bill you may have.

3. Use Your Cards Responsibly

You should start using a credit card responsibly. This means only charging what you can afford to pay back and making sure you make your payments on time.

4. Pay Off Your Debts

If you have any outstanding debts, start working on paying them off. This will help improve your credit score over time.

5. Check Your Credit Utilization Ratio

Lastly, keep an eye on your credit utilization ratio. This is the amount of debt you have compared to the amount of credit you have available. A lower credit utilization ratio will help improve your credit score.

By following these steps, you can start to rebuild your credit score and improve your financial standing.

How To Find Out Which Collection Agency You Owe

If you have a debt turned over to a collection agency, the agency will likely report the debt to one or more credit reporting agencies. This can damage your credit score and make it harder for you to get approved for loans and credit cards. If you’re unsure which collection agency you owe, you can check your credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies. Look for any collection accounts that are listed on your report.

You can also contact your creditors directly to ask who they have turned your debt over to. Once you know the collection agency’s name, you can contact them and set up a payment plan.

Which Credit Bureau Is Most Important

Credit bureaus are companies that collect and maintain financial information about consumers. This information is used to generate the credit scores lenders use to determine whether to approve a loan or credit card.

Of the three major credit bureaus in the United States, Experian is generally considered to be the most important because the majority of lenders use Experian’s credit score.

You should focus on making positive changes to your credit report with all three bureaus to improve your credit score. This will give you the best chance of improving your credit score and getting approved for loans and credit cards.


Some reasons your credit score may drop include late payments, reduced credit limit, and maxed-out credit cards. You can improve your credit score by paying your bills on time, using your credit cards responsibly, and keeping your credit utilization ratio low.