What Should You Not Say to Debt Collectors?

Calls from a debt collector can be intimidating, but as long as you keep calm, remember your rights, and know what to say (and what not to say!),you can navigate through your hardship like a pro.

What Should You Not Say to Debt Collectors?

Having a debt collector on your tail can be scary, and your first instinct might be to hide or ignore them when they get in touch with you. But the best way to face debt collectors-like ERC debt collections-is head-on. You shouldn’t have anything to fear if you can pay for the debt, are already working to repay the dues, or don’t have a debt in the first place. 

Of course, when you know your rights under Florida debt collection laws and the best practices when dealing with debt collectors, then these conversations should be a breeze; they can even be productive! Keep in mind the things you shouldn’t say: never give your personal information, don’t make any promises “in good faith,” and refrain from admitting that you have a debt (even if you do).

Once you’ve got your debts paid, the next step is to fix the bad rep this has left on your credit score. You can do this with The Phenix Group—the best credit repair in Miami.

What to Do When a Debt Collector Calls

Here’s a quick guide on what to do when a debt collector rings you up:

Decide if You Want to Take the Call

You don’t always have to answer a debt collector’s call. Until you fully understand your rights, can confirm that you have a debt, learn about the statute of limitations on your dues, or just simply know the next steps in handling the situation, you can opt to save the conversation for another day. 

Validate the Collector and the Debt

Be sure that the debt collector and the debt they bring up are legitimate. Validate the information; ask for their name and details about their company, including its address and phone number, then get information about the amount owed, to whom the amount is owed, and how much the debt is.

Tell the Collector if You Think You Don’t Owe the Debt

If you believe that the debt is illegitimate or that you don’t owe it, let the debt collector know as they might not be aware that the amount is uncollectable. If your concern is valid, then they might voluntarily cease collection and stop contacting you.

Keep a Record of the Conversation

Take notes of any phone conversations and keep letters, messages, or emails you receive from debt collectors. These can help you keep track of who’s calling and what they’re calling about, which could be useful if you find any inconsistencies down the road that you can dispute later. Additionally, if you can record that the collector violated any laws, this can help you should you decide to file a lawsuit.

What Not to Say

You must be careful when speaking with a debt collector because they might use your words against you, especially if they’re trying to prolong the statute of limitations on your debt or coaxing you to make a payment. Here is some information that you should never divulge in a conversation with them:

Personal Financial Information

While some collectors may require information to validate your identity, they shouldn’t force you to give out your financial information. Don’t tell them your bank account numbers or banking information, your Social Security number, or the value of your assets and properties, as these can be used to collect from you through wage garnishment, bank levy, or property lien.

A Promise to Pay

A debt collector may ask you to make a small payment under the guise that doing so will help your credit or prevent their company from taking legal action against you. Most often, however, this is a tactic to extend the statute of limitations on your debt as every new payment could restart the clock.

Admittance of a Debt’s Validity

Even if you do owe the debt that’s being discussed, you must avoid admitting it. Any promise you make to pay the debt could be seen as a contract and could revive the statute of limitations on its collection.

In Summary

Calls from a debt collector can be intimidating, but as long as you keep calm, remember your rights, and know what to say (and what not to say!), you can go through the conversation without raising any red flags or putting yourself in an awkward position. If you do owe a debt, make sure to pay it back as soon as you can; then, consult a credit repair company like The Phenix Group to work on fixing any damage and get yourself back in good financial standing. Learn more about credit repair with a free consultation from The Phenix Group today!